
PDF「黄色いリボン(She Wore A Yellow Ribbon)」楽譜(無料)のダウンロード

アメリカ民謡「黄色いリボン(She Wore A Yellow Ribbon)」

Around her neck she wore a yellow ribbon,
She wore it in the springtime
and in the month of May, hey! hey!
And if you asked her why the neck she wore it,
She wore it for her lover who was far. far away.
Far away, Far away. Oh,she wore it for her lover
who was far, far away. Far away! far away,
Oh,she wore it for her lover
Who was far, far away!
Around her knee she wore a purple garter.
She wore it in the springtime
and in the month of May, hey! hey!
And if you asked her why the neck she wore it,
She wore it for her lover who was far, far away.
Far away, Far away. Oh,she wore it for her lover
who was far, far away. Far away! far away,
Oh,she wore it for her lover
Who was far, far away!
Behind the door her father kept a shotgun,
He kept it in the springtime
and in the month of May, hey! hey!
And if you asked him why the heck he kept it,
He kept it for his lover who was far, far away.
Far away, Far away. Oh,he kept it for his lover
who was far, far away. Far away! far away,
Oh,he kept it for his lover
Who was far, far away!




PDF「黄色いリボン(She Wore A Yellow Ribbon)」楽譜(無料)のダウンロード


001 ペドロ&カプリシャス
002 101ストリングス・オーケストラ(101 Strings Orchestra)
003 ミッチ・ミラー合唱団(Mitch Miller and The Gang)
004 ロイヤル・フィルハーモニー・ポップス管弦楽団(Royal Philharmonic Pops Orches)

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